Cytogenetic mapping with centromeric bacterial artificial chromosomes contigs shows that this recombination-poor region comprises more than half of barley chromosome 3H
Aliyeva-Schnorr, L., Beier, S., Karafiátová, M., Schmutzer, T., Scholz, U., Doležel, J., Stein, N., Houben, A.PLANT JOURNAL 84 : 385–394 , 2015
Keywords: physical map, BAC FISH, centromere, recombination, chromatin, pachytene chromosomes, posttranslational histone modifications
Exploring the tertiary gene pool of bread wheat: sequence assembly and analysis of chromosome 5Mg of Aegilops geniculata
Tiwari, V.K., Wang, S., Danilova, T., Koo, D.H., Vrána, J., Kubaláková, M., Hřibová, E., Rawat, N., Kalia, B., Singh, N., Friebe, B., Doležel, J., Akhunov, E., Poland, J., Sabir, J.S.M., Gill, B.S.PLANT JOURNAL 84 : 733-746 , 2015
Keywords: flow sorting, SNPs, next generation sequencing, single gene FISH, GenomeZipper, synteny
Sequencing of 15 622 gene-bearing BACs clarifies the gene-dense regions of the barley genome
Muñoz-Amatriaín, M., Lonardi, S., Luo, M.-C., Madishetty, K., Svensson, J.T., Moscou, M.J., Wanamaker, S., Jiang, T., Kleinhofs, A., Muehlbauer, G.J., Wise, R.P., Stein, N., Ma, Y., Rodriguez, E., Kudrna, D., Bhat, P.R., Chao, S., Condamine, P., Heinen, S., Resnik, J., Wing, R., Witt, H.N., Alpert, M., Beccuti, M., Bozdag, S., Cordero, F., Mirebrahim, H., Ounit, R., Wu, Y., You, F., Zheng, J., Šimková, H., Doležel, J., Grimwood, J., Schmutz, J., Duma, D., Altschmied, L., Blake, T., Bregitzer, P., Cooper, L., Dilbirligi, M., Falk, A., Feiz, L., Graner, A., Gustafson, P., Hayes, P.M., Lemaux, P., Mammadov, J., Close, T.J.PLANT JOURNAL 84 : 216-227 , 2015
Keywords: Barley, Hordeum vulgare L., BAC sequencing, gene distribution, recombination frequency, synteny, centromere BACs, HarvEST:Barley, Aegilops tauschii
Multiple displacement amplification of the DNA from single flow-sorted plant chromosome
Cápal, P., Blavet, N., Vrána, J., Kubaláková, M., Doležel, J.PLANT JOURNAL 84 : 838-844 , 2015
Keywords: whole-genome amplification, single-chromosome genomics, next-generation sequencing, flow cytometry, chromosome sorting, sequence assembly, Triticum aestivum L. (bread wheat)
Whole-genome profiling and shotgun sequencing delivers an anchored, gene-decorated, physical map assembly of bread wheat chromosome 6A
Poursarebani, N., Nussbaumer, T., Šimková, H., Šafář, J., Witsenboer, H., van Oeveren, J., Doležel, J., Mayer, K.F.X., Stein, N., Schnurbusch, T.PLANT JOURNAL 79 : 334-347 , 2014
Keywords: bread wheat chromosome 6A, whole-genome profiling, LINEAR TOPOLOGICAL CONTIGS, anchored physical map, bacterial artificial chromosome contigs, technical advance
Antagonistic roles of abscisic acid and cytokinin during response to nitrogen depletion in oleaginous microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica expand the evolutionary breadth of phytohormone function
Lu Y., Tarkowská D., Turečková V., Luo T., Xin Y, Li J, Wang Q, Jiao N., Strnad M., Xu J.PLANT JOURNAL 80 : 52-68 , 2014
Keywords: Nannochloropsis oceanica, antagonistic synergy between abscisic acid and cytokinin, phytohormone evolution, stress response, cell cycle progression
Wheat syntenome unveils new evidences of contrasted evolutionary plasticity between paleo- and neoduplicated subgenomes
Pont, C., Murat, F., Guizard, S., Flores, R., Foucrier, S., Bidet, Y., Quraishi, U.M., Alaux, M., Doležel, J., Fahima, T., Budak, H., Keller, B., Salvi, S., Maccaferri, M., Steinbach, D., Feuillet, C., Quesneville, H., Salse, J.PLANT JOURNAL 76 : 1030-1044 , 2013
Keywords: paleogenomics, dominance, partitioning, conserved orthologous set, single nucleotide polymorphism
The exocyst complex contributes to PIN auxin efflux carrier recycling and polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis
Drdová EJ., Synek L., Pečenková T., Hála M., Kulich I., Fowler JE., Murphy AS., Zárský V.PLANT JOURNAL 73 : 709-719 , 2013
The Arabidopsis concentration-dependent influx/efflux transporter ABCB4 regulates cellular auxin levels in the root epidermis
Kubeš M.*, Yang H.*, Richter G.L.*, Cheng Y., Młodzińska E., Wang X., Blakeslee J.J., Carraro N., Petrášek J., Zažímalová E., Hoyerová K., Peer W.A., Murphy A.S.PLANT JOURNAL 69 : 640-654 , 2012
Next-generation sequencing and syntenic integration of flow-sorted arms of wheat chromosome 4A exposes the chromosome structure and gene content
Hernandez, P., Martis, M., Dorado, G., Pfeifer, M., Gálvez, S., Schaaf, S., Jouve, N., Šimková, H., Valárik, M., Doležel, J., Mayer, K.F.X.PLANT JOURNAL 69 : 377–386 , 2012
Keywords: wheat genome, chromosome sorting, genome zipper, grass comparative genomics, wheat shotgun chromosome, Triticeae genome