Publications list
- Comet assay in higher plants In Bioassays in Plant Cells for Improvement of Ecosystem and Human Health. Katowice 123-130 2003
- Comparative analysis of Arabidopsis pollen transcriptome PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 132 640-652 2003
- Comparison of cytokinin-binding proteins from wheat and oat grains PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 117 [4] 453-458 2003
- Construction of chromosome-specific BAC libraries in plants In Book of Abstracts - Methods in Plant Sciences III. 32 2003
- Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, roscovitine, in combination with exogenous cytokinin, N6-benzyladenine, causes increase of cis-cytokinins in immobilized tobacco cells BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS 25 [6] 469-472 2003
- Cytokinin affinity purification and identification of a tobacco BY-2 adenosine kinase FEBS LETTERS 533 [1/3] 63-66 2003
- Cytokinin-Deficient Transgenic Arabidopsis Plants Show Multiple Developmental Alterations Indicating Opposite Functions of Cytokinins in the Regulation of Shoot and Root Meristem Activity PLANT CELL 15 [11] 2532-2550 2003
- Cytokinin-induced upregulation of cytokinin oxidase activity in tobacco includes changes in enzyme glycosylation and secretion PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 1117 11-21 2003
- Cytokinin-induced upregulation of cytokinin oxidase activity in tobacco includes changes in enzyme glycosylation and secretion PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 117 11-21 2003
- Cytokinins in macroalgae PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 41 [1] 13-24 2003
- Degradation of juvenile hormone analog by soil microbial isolates CHEMOSPHERE 52 151-159 2003
- Degradation of TNT by plant cell cultures In 22. Xenobiochemické sympózium. Smolenice (2003) 78-79 2003
- Degradation of trinitrobenzene, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene and diaminonitrotoluenes by plant cultures In Proceedings of the Second European Bioremediation Conference. Crete : Technical University of Crete 208-211 2003
- Development of flow cytogenetics for wheat genome mapping In Proceedings of the Tenth International Wheat Genetics Symposium. Istituto Sperimentale per la Cerealicoltura 65-68 2003
- Development of molecular cytogenetics and physical mapping of ribosomal RNA genes in Lupinus BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 46 211-215 2003
- Diaquabis(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa(2)N,N')manganese(II) thiodiglycolate bis(1,10-phenanthroline-kappa(2)N,N')(thiodiglycolato-kappa(2)O,O')manganese(II) tridecahydrate ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA 59 29-31 2003
- Differential genotoxicity of ethyl methanesulphonate, N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea and maleic hydrazide in tobacco seedlings based on data of the Comet assay and two recombination assays MUTATION RESEARCH - GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS 538 171-179 2003
- Distribution of gama-tubulin in cellulatr compartments of higher plant cells CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 27 167-169 2003
- DNA damage induced by indirect and direct acting mutagens in catalase-deficient transgenic tobacco Cellular and acellular Comet assays MUTATION RESEARCH - GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS 535 187-193 2003
- DNA damage measured by the Comet assay in eight agronomic plants BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 47 [2] 185-188 2003