Ing. Václav Motyka, CSc.
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +420 225 106 437
Tel.: +420 225 106 437
Rozvojová 263, 165 02 Praha 6 - Lysolaje, Česká republika
Room number: 213
Václav Motyka EN
senior scientist
Plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology: hormonal regulation of plant growth and development; biological functions and metabolism of cytokinins and auxins in plants
Number of publications: 111
- JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 62 2827-2840 2011 (External fulltext)
- PLANT, SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT 57 381-387 2011 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 65 427-437 2011 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 65 459-471 2011 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 54 461-470 2010 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PLANT GROWTH REGULATION 61 231-242 2010 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 167 1360-1370 2010
- PLANT, CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 31 341-353 2008 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 59 (2) 377-387 2008 Fulltext: PDF link on intranet only
- PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 134 609-623 2008