Mahmoud Said's picture

M.Sc. Mahmoud Said, Ph.D.

Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +420 585 238 718
Fax: +420 585 238 704

Šlechtitelů 31, 779 00, Olomouc - Holice, Česká republika
Room number: 302


Mahmoud Said EN

scientific assistant

Academic degrees
2005 - 2010         Ph.D. in Genetics, plant breeding, cytogenetics and molecular genetics, University of Cordoba, Spain
2004 - 2007         M.Sc. in Genetics, plant breeding, molecular genetics and cytogenetics CIHEAM – IAMZ, Spain-France
2004 - 2006         Diploma of Advanced Studies in Genetics, University of Cordoba, Spain
2002 - 2003         Diploma of post-graduation Specialization Studies in Plant breeding, CIHEAM - IAMZ, Spain-France
1995 - 1998         M.Sc. in Agronomy, Alexandria University, Egypt
1988 - 1992         B.Sc. in Agricultural Science, University of Assiut, Egypt

2013 - Now         Scientist at Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics, The Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ
2014 - 2016        Postdoctoral Research Fellow Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
2010 - 2013        Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Genetics Department, University of Cordoba, Spain
2010 - Now         Scientist at Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt
2005 - 2010        Doctorant, Department of Genetics, University of Cordoba, Spain
1998 - 2010        Associate Researcher at Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt
1994 - 1998        Research Assistant at Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt

Research interests
o    Molecular biology, genome structure, molecular markers, chromosome physical mapping, comparative analysis
      and evolution
o    Plant breeding, interspecific hybridization, alien chromosome introgressions, genetic diversity, wild relatives,
      germplasm resources, chromosome deletions and translocations
o    Cytogenetics, in situ hybridization FISH and GISH, physical localization of single-genes and low-copy
      sequences, cDNA probes, genome
      karyotyping and chromosome identification, optical and fluorescence microscopy, image processing, cytological
o    Flow cytometry and chromosome sorting
o    Experimental design and statistical methods, morphological and agronomic characterization, field  trials
      implementation and management

Academic activities
2016-2016            Stay abroad at Agricultural Res. Inst. Hungarian Academy of Science, Martonvasar, Hungary
2016-Now             Guest Associate Editor in Plant Genetics, Epigenetics and Chromosome Biology (Frontiers)
2015-Now             Review Editor in Plant Breeding (Frontiers)
20​15-2015            Stay abroad at Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, US​A
2012-2012            Organizer IIIrd International Ascochyta Workshop. Cordoba, Spain
2010-2010            Organizer VI Seminar of Cytogenetics. Cordoba, Spain

Membership in scientific societies
2019 - Now         Czech Society for Analytical Cytometry (CSAC)
2011 - Now         European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA)
2008 - Now         Spanish Society for Genetics (SEG)

Stays and visited countries: Austria | Czech Republic | Egypt | France | Germany | Hungary | Italy | Poland | Russia | Slovakia | Spain | UK | USA

Languages: Arabic (Fluent) | Czech (Basic) | Egyptian (Mother tongue) | English (Fluent) | Spanish (Fluent) |

Web of Science Researcher ID: F-8160-2014
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6169-8655
Frontiers Loop ID: 474337
SciProfiles ID: 1884524
Scopus Author ID: 36153707300

Director’s award for excellence in SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS 2019 - Center of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research (CRH)

URL (1) URL (2) URL (3)

Number of publications: 28