Resistance of transgenic papaya plants to Papaya Ringspot Virus, Thai isolate

Kertbundit, S., Pongtanom, N., Ruanjan, P., Chantasingh, D., Tanwanchai, A., Panyim, S. and Juříček, M.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 51 : 333-339 , 2007
Klíčová slova:

Production of saponins from Panax ginseng suspension and adventitious root cultures

Langhansová L., Maršík P., Vaněk T.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 49 [3] : 463-465 , 2005
Klíčová slova: callus - suspension cultures - bioreactor - ginsenosides

Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish in vitro

Soudek P., Podlipná R., Maršík P., Vaněk T.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 49 [4] : 487-492 , 2005
Klíčová slova: Agrobacterium rhizogenes - Armoracia rusticana - cadmium - calcium - cobalt - iron - lead - nickel - sugars

Role of phytohormones in organogenic ability of elm multiplicated shoots.

Malá J., Gaudinová A., Dobrev P., Eder J., Cvikrová M.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 5 : 8-14 , 2006
Klíčová slova: auxin, cytokinins, multiplication of elm, phenolic substances, polyamines.

Optimum storage conditions for product of transiently expressed epitopes of Human papillomavirus using Potato virus X-based vector

Čeřovská N., Hoffmeisterová H., Moravec T., Plchová H., Folwarczna J., Hadámková R.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 52 : 184-186 , 2008
Klíčová slova: edible vaccination, heterologous proteins, Nicotiana benthamiana, serological activity

Soapwort oxidoreductase is involved in trinitrotoluene detoxification.

Podlipná R., Nepovím A., Soudek P., Vágner M., Vaněk T.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 2 : 367-371 , 2007
Klíčová slova: flavoprotein, Old Yellow Enzyme, oxidoreductase, phytoremediation, Saponaria officinalis

Resistance of transgenic papaya plants to Papaya Ringspot Virus, Thai isolate

Kertbundit, S., Pongtanom, N, Ruanjan, P, Chantasingh, D, Tanwanchai, A, Panyim, S., and Juříček, M.
BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 51 : 333-339 , 2007
Klíčová slova: