Interactions between abscisic acid and cytokinins during water stress and subsequent rehydration
Pospíšilová, Jana; Vágner, Martin; Malbeck, Jiří; Trávníčková, Alena; Baťková, PetraBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 49 : 533-540 , 2005
Klíčová slova: abscisic acid; cytokinins; water stress
Changes in key enzymes of viral-RNA biosynthesis in chloroplasts from PVY and TMV infected tobacco plants
Šindelářová, Milada; Šindelář, Luděk; Wilhelmová, Naděžda; Procházková, DagmarBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 49 : 471-474 , 2005
Klíčová slova: tobacco; virus; chloroplast
The Role of Cytokinins and Ethylene in Bean Cotyledon Senescence. The Effect of Free Radicals
Wilhelmová, Naděžda; Procházková, Dagmar; Macháčková, Ivana; Vágner, Martin; Srbová, M.; Wilhelm, J.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [4] : 523-529 , 2004
Klíčová slova: ageing epicotyl decapitation; lipid peroxidation; lipofuscin-like pigments
Differences in Anatomical Structure and Lignin Content of Roots of pedunculate Oak and Wild Cherry-Tree Plantlets During Acclimation
Soukup, A.; Malá, J.; Hrubcová, Marie; Kálal, J.; Votrubová, O.; Cvikrová, MilenaBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [4] : 481-489 , 2004
Klíčová slova: exodermis; in vitro; lignin
TMV-RNA biosynthesis in the light-green and dark-green regions of tobacco leaves
Šindelářová, Milada; Šindelář, LuděkBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [3] : 419-423 , 2004
Klíčová slova: oxidative pentosephosphate cycle; ribonuclease; phosphodiesterase
Effects of pre-treatments with abscisic acid and/or benzyladenine on gas exchange of French bean, sugar beet, and maize leaves during water stress and after rehydration
Pospíšilová, Jana; Baťková, P.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [3] : 395-399 , 2004
Klíčová slova: Beta vulgaris; net photosynthetic rate; Phaseolus vulgaris
Regeneration capacity of calli derived from immature embryos in spring barley cultivars
Halámková, Eva; Vagera, Jiří; Ohnoutková, LudmilaBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [2] : 313-316 , 2004
Klíčová slova: callus induction; dicamba; 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
Isolation of chromosomes from Picea abies L. and their analysis by flow cytometry
Überall, I.; Vrána, Jan; Bartoš, Jan; Šmerda, J.; Doležel, Jaroslav; Havel, L.BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [2] : 199-203 , 2004
Klíčová slova: Vicia faba; composite map
Changes in antioxidative protection in bean cotyledons during natural and continuous irradiation-accelerated senescence
Procházková, Dagmar; Wilhelmová, NaděždaBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 48 [1] : 33-39 , 2004
Klíčová slova: Antioxidants; reactive oxygen species; senescence
Hexokinases of tobacco leaves: changes in the cytosolic and non-cytosolic isozyme complexes induced by tobacco mosaic virus infection
Šindelář, Luděk; Šindelářová, MiladaBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 47 [3] : 413-419 , 2003
Klíčová slova: Nicotiana tabacum; hexokinase; TMV