Young plant biologists can apply for a grant by the Jaroslav Tupý Endowment Fund
Are you a student or young scientist in the field of plant biology? Now you can get a grant of up to CZK 100,000 for your project!
Czech–Norwegian synergistic activities on the genetics and breeding of fodder crops to mitigate impacts of climate change
The project is supported by the EEA and Norway grants. It aims at broadening the existing collaborations and establishing new ones between researchers from the Czech Republic and Norway dealing with fodder crops.
IEB Young Researcher Retreat 2024
The first-ever meeting of young scientists of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences was held at Lovecká chata in Horka nad Moravou on April 24–26, 2024.
JTEF will support further students and young scientists
The Jaroslav Tupy Endowment Fund has announced the second call for research projects in the field of plant biology. University students or early-career researchers can receive up to CZK 160,000 for their project. Applications should be submitted by 29 February 2024.
Hot Topics and Advances in Plant Cell Biology
We invite you to a mini-symposium held on 3 May 2023 in Prague to celebrate the 65th birthday of our colleague Viktor Žárský. It will feature presentations by leading European plant cell biologists.
Conference Methods in Plant Sciences 2023
We would like to invite you to a conference focused on methodic advances in plant biology. It will take place in South Bohemia on 24–27 September 2023, with many invited speakers from all over Europe.
International EUCARPIA conference focused on grasses and fodder crops
We invite you to the 35th conference of the EUCARPIA Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses Section, named Novel technologies, strategies and crops to sustain forage production in future climate. The event will take place 10–14 September 2023 in Brno, Czech Republic.
ACPD 2023 Conference
We would like to cordially invite you to the regular Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development Symposium (ACPD 2023), which will be held in Prague from 25–29 June 2023. ACPD 2023 will be the tenth in a row, and for 2023 we have decided to emphasize the role of these two key phytohormones in plant response to ever-changing environmental conditions. We look forward to seeing you again.
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International Advisory Board
The International Advisory Board is a permanent advisory body to the director of the institute.
The main tasks of this body are:
To advise the institute in its research activities, in particular in the development and implementation of the scientific conception, the development of research areas, the establishment of international cooperation, participation in foreign projects and the continuous evaluation of the Institute and its teams,