Publications list
- Photosynthetic pigments and gas exchange of in vitro grown tobacco plants during ex vitro acclimation. PLANT CELL, TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE 61 125-133 2000
- Photosynthetic traits in wheat grown under decreased and increased CO2 concentration after transfer to natural CO2 concentration. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 43 227-237 2000
- Rpg1p, the subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF3 core complex, is a microtubule-interacting protein CELL MOTIL CYTOSKELETON 2000
- Temporal changes in the RNA distribution between polysomes and postpolysomal ribonucleoprotein particles in tobacco male gametophyte BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 43 517-522 2000
- The pollen-specific gene ntp303 encodes a 69-kDa glycoprotein associated with the vegetative membrane and the cell wall PLANT REPRODUCTION 12 276-284 2000
- The translationally repressed pollen-specific ntp303 mRNA is stored in non-polysomal mRNPs during pollen maturation PLANT REPRODUCTION 13 135-144 2000
- A MAP kinase is activated late in mitosis and becomes localized to the plane of cell division PLANT CELL 11 101-114 1999
- Acclimatization of micropropagated plants to ex vitro conditions. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 42 481-497 1999
- Development of water stress under increased atmospheric CO2 concentration. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 42 1-24 1999
- Effect of elevated CO2 concentration on acclimation of tobacco plantlets to ex vitro conditions. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 50 119-126 1999
- Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on water use efficiency of plants. Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress: Second Edition 1163-1184 1999
- Effect of inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity on growth of alfalfa cell suspension culture: Alteration in mitotic index, ethylene production, and content of phenolics, cytokinins and polyamines PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 107 329-337 1999
- Light and electron microscopic studies of somatic embryogenesis of spruce Morphogenesis in Plant Tissue cultures 96-114 1999
- Mitogen-activated protein kinases in plant signal transduction: are they mitogenic? Advances in Regulation of Plant Growth and Development 169-181 1999
- Photosynthesis of trasgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 155 183-192 1999
- Photosynthetic pigments and gas exchange of in vitro grown tobacco plants as affected by CO2 supply. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 42 463-468 1999
- Regulation of Cell Division and the Cytoskeleton by Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases in Higher Plants MAP Kinases in Plant Signal Transduction. Series: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 95-117 1999
- Reinitiation of cell division and polyamine and aromatic monoamine levels in alfalfa explants during the induction of somatic embryogenesis PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 105 330-337 1999
- Reorganization of microtubular cytoskeleton in Lactuca spp. cells during early stages of infection by lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae) Eucarpia Leafy Vegetables '99 199-204 1999
- Single cell gel electrophoresis: Detection of DNA damage at different levels of sensitivity Electrophoresis 20 2133-2138 1999