Publications list
- Hardening by abscisic acid of tobacco plantlets grown in vitro. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 38 605-609 1996
- Ráj araukárií ŽIVA 1996 109-111 1996
- Seasonal changes in sugar beet photosynthesis as affected by exogenous cytokinin N6-(m-hydroxy-benzyl)adenosine. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 38 511-518 1996
- The effect of short time heat shock treatment on microtubular cytoskeleton and DNA synthesis during induction of embryogenesis in microspore cultures of Brassica napus BIOLOGIA 51 29 1996
- Ultrastructure of cultured cells Morphogenesis in Plant Tissue Culture 21-35 1996
- Cell cycle dependent distribution of phosphorylated proteins in microspores and pollen of Brassica napus L. detected by the monoclonal antibody MPM-2 PROTOPLASMA 187 117-126 1995
- Conifer somatic embryogenesis for studies of plant cell biology IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 31 1-7 1995
- Limitations on photosynthesis under environment-simulating culture in vitro. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 37 35-48 1995
- Changes of shikimate pathway in glyphosate tolerant alfalfa cell lines with reduced embryogenic ability BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 36 65-73 1994
- Photosynthesis in transgenic pssu-ipt tobacco plants as affected by water stress. Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere. 4 565-568 1994
- Probing microtubule organizing centres with MPM-2 in dividing cells of higher plants using immunofluorescence and immunogold techniques PROTOPLASMA 180 106-127 1994
- Stomatal patchiness BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 36 481-510 1994
- Stylar water potential and unilateral interspecific incompatibility in Solanaceae. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 36 575-584 1994
- Changes in pattern of phenolic acids induced by culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum in alfalfa plants differing in susceptibility to the pathogen JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 142 1-5 1993
- Effect of anti-microtubular drug amiprophos-methyl (APM) on somatic embryogenesis and DNA ploidy levels in alfalfa carrot cell suspension cultures BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 35 329-339 1993
- Gas exchange and in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence in potato and tobacco plantlets in vitro as affected by various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 29 1-12 1993
- High level of endogenous cytokinins in transgenic potato plantlets limits photosynthesis BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 35 191-198 1993
- Localization of MPM-2 recognized phosphoproteins and tubulin during cell cycle progression in synchronized Vicia faba L. root meristem cells CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 17 847-856 1993
- Nuclear DNA synthesis during the induction of embryogenesis in cultured microspores and pollen of Brassica napus L. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS 87 9-16 1993
- Photosynthesis and water relations in transgenic tobacco plants with T-DNA carrying gene 4 for cytokinin synthesis. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 35 393-399 1993